Health Products Not Made In China

Stop relying on China for your health needs.

Face Masks
Face Masks

Choose N95 or surgical masks from trusted companies only.

Face Masks
Bathroom Scales
Bathroom Scales

Almost all bathroom scales are made in China.

Bathroom Scales
Electric Toothbrushes
Electric Toothbrushes

There seem to be only two companies making some models of electric toothbrushes outside of China. Find out which ones and choose carefully.

Electric Toothbrushes
Body Thermometers
Body Thermometers

There are very few body thermometers that are not made in China. Even from American, Japanese, and German companies that we see all over the place, most thermometers are made in China.

Body Thermometers
Covid Tests
Covid Tests

Do not rely on Covid tests made in China.

Covid Tests